10th Class Computer Guess
List of steps problem, top down design, desk checking, types of errors, debugging,
documentation, algorithm vs flow chart, strategy for developing algorithm, flow chart full
topic, direct vs indirect mode, commands vs statement, reserve word, rules for naming
variable, variable vs constant, commands auto delete edit list CLS clear kill, operators full, print
statement, print using, control structure, conditional vs unconditional, goto vs on-goto,
selection structure, nested loop, for. next vs while. wend, array, simple vs subscripted variable,
dim, 2-d array filling n print, function n types, ABS SQR INT FIX SPC SPACE LEN VAL, user
defined function, subroutine, data field vs record, data file vs program file, sequential vs
random access, file mode, put vs get, buffer, graphics mode, pixel vs resolution, color modes,
screen, line, draw, pallet, word processor, word features, view buttons, alignment vs
indentation, drop cap, cut copy paste undo redo, non-printing characters, standard vs
formatting toolbar.
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