10th Class Chemistry Guess


 Short Questions Guess  

Unit # 9:Define Reactants and products, Forward and Reverse Reaction, Active mass, Equilibrium Constant, How can we predict the direction of reaction?, Static equilibrium and Dynamic Equilibrium,  

Unit # 10: Humphry Davy Acid, Lavoisier Acid,  Physical properties of Acid + Bases, Limitations of Arrhenius Acid, Base, Conjugate Acid Base, Amphoteric  + Example, Adduct, Why BF3 Behavior as Lewis Acid, Neutralization reaction, Name of minerals Acids, Uses of Acids, Uses of Bases, Hyperacidity of Symptoms, Uses of pH, Indications + Examples, Salt, Salts are neutral why?, 

Unit # 11: Vital force theory, Organic chemistry and organic compounds, Condensed and electronic (dot-cross) formula, Homocycle and types, Isomerism's , Why are organic compound polar conductor of electricity?, Why are melting + Boiling point of organic compound low?, Pitch, Importance of Coal tar, Destructive Distillation, Coke and uses, Petroleum, Homologous series, Functional group, Aldehyde, ketones, alcohol ester, 

Unit # 12: Hydro Carbons, Open + closed chain, Hydrogenation 

Unit # 13: Biochemistry, Carbohydrates + formulas, Characteristics of monosaccharides., poly saccharides, Essential & non essential anion acid, Oil & ghee, Fatty Acid + 2 examples, Characteristics of Fats, Components of nucleotides, Uses and sources of vitamins A + D, Fat & water soluble vitamins

Unit # 14: Atmosphere & Environment, Composition of dry Air, Compounds of troposphere & stratosphere, Where does ozone layer exist?, Air pollutants and its facts, Primary pollutant, Why are the flood rise increasing, Gerent House & global warning, Why CO is hidden enemy?, Formation Acid rain, How acid rain damage the building, How Acid rain effect the aquatic life?, Define ozone, ozone hole, ozone layer, Plants are die day by day Why?, 

Unit # 15: Occurrence of water, Why is Sea water unfit for drinking, Capillary action, Water is universal solvent why?, Polar nature of water, Why polar components are soluble in water, Which salts make the water Hard?, Boiler scales, Principle of removal of permanent hardness, Write the function of pesticides and fertilizers, 

Unit # 16: Minerals + ores, gangue, metallurgy, gravity separation, froth floatation,  signifance of Solvay’s process, Fractional Distillation

 Long Questions Guess (Class 10th Chemistry)

Unit # 9: Exercise Long Questions: 1,2,3,4  –  Unit # 10: Exercise Long Questions: 1,2,3,4,5,6                    

Unit # 12: Exercise Long Questions: 1,2,4,  . Unit # 13: Exercise Long Questions: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

– Unit # 15: Exercise Long Questions: 1,2,3,5,6,7,10  – Properties of Water, Effect of water pollution, method of removal of temporary hard water. Unit # 16: Exercise Long Questions: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 –

 Long Questions especially ch 9,10..ch 15,16...(enough for required 2 Questions. student have to attempt 2 long Q)...for one extra question ch 13...15.

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