10th Class Biology Guess
GUESS BIOLOGY (10th Class)
Ch-10: Mechanism of breathing, diseases, smoking effects
Ch-11: osmotic adjustment in plants, kidney, nephrons, function of kidney
Ch-12: Neurons, types of nerves, fore + hind brain, endocrine, feedback.
Ch-14: Artificial propagation, life cycle + flower structure, germination + conditions, reproduction in rabbit
Ch-15: law of Mendl, natural selection, dominance, artificial selection
Ch-16: C+N cycle, symbiosis, competitions
Ch-17: fermentation, scope of g engineering, steps in GE
Ch-18: uses of medicinal drugs, antibiotics, vaccines
Short Questions:
Ch-10: Diff b/w breathing n respiration, inspiration + expiration, emphysema, passive smoking, nicotine, bronchitis
Ch-11: homeostasis, thermoregulation, reason of kidney stone, osmoregulation, guttation, types of waste in plants,
lithotripsy, dialysis.
Ch-12: coordination n its types, components of co-ordinations, saltatory nerve impulses, functions of lobes of brain,
reflex action + arc, night blindness, color blindness, functions of somatotrophin, disorder of eyes, feedback mechanism.
Ch-13: cartilage + bone, axial appendicular, functions of skeleton, joints types, tendon ligament, antagonistic, gout,
osteoporosis, arthritis.
Ch-14: parthenogenesis, budding, alternation of generation, pollination, epi n hypogeal germination, binary fission
Ch-15: genetics, transcription + translation, y mendel chose pea plant, genotyp phenotyp, sources of variation
Ch-16: ecology, food chain, web, pyramids, eutrophication, 3R
Ch-17: biotech, fermentation + types, genetic engineering, objectives of g. engineering, scp.
Ch-18: pharmacology, drugs from minerals, drug n medicine, narrow n broad spectrum antibiotics, social stigma,
narcotics + hallucinogens
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